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Why I decided to fall in love with being bored at home

Well, we’re back in lockdown again.For the third time. Gyms closed. Shops closed. Restaurants closed. Now, we’re all stuck being bored at home again. It seems like a never-ending nightmare at this point.  However, while I was sat on my couch as the days blurred together, I had a thought. Why do we associate boredom with negativity? Surely,…

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50 Morning Affirmations To Start An Amazing Day

So, for the past few weeks, I’ve been looking into new methods of self-care. It wasn’t long before I stumbled across morning affirmations. They seem to be the hot and trendy self-care idea that is recommended on almost every site.  As someone who has a scientific background, I was sceptical. On the surface, morning affirmations just looks like repeating good things to yourself at the…

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How To Feel Better In 5 Steps

The moment of panic. Something anxiety-inducing has just happened to us. The trigger is different for everyone. Kids running about. Rejected from a job. Left by a partner. Failed a course. It doesn’t matter. The reaction is the same. Increased heart rate. Struggling to breathe. Desperately looking for a way feel better. It’s a truly terrifying experience.   Personally, I’ve been…

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Why emotional growth is the key to a successful life

Emotional growth seems to be a hot topic these days. Let’s face it, there have been times in our lives where we really could have used it. Those experiences where we showed the emotional maturity of a toddler. Throwing unnecessary tantrums when we don’t get our way. Behaving like the world revolves around us. It’s okay. We’re human. We’re not perfect and…