low mood

Low Mood And The Obsession With Happiness: A Toxic Relationship

For the past week, I’ve been meaning to get some things off my chest. I’ve been having a low mood. Probably the lowest I’ve felt in a long time. This isn’t something I often admit to myself. I don’t think I’ve ever said this out loud and truly meant it. I see it as admitting defeat. I’m…

Insignificant – How did I get here?

Insignificant – How did I get here?

I’ve always battled with the insecurity of being insignificant. I feel like it’s a very common one to have these days, but it’s never really discussed. Ever feel like you’re always wanting more? More money, more fame, more attention, more love? We often mistake it for feeling greedy or shallow. I believe that it all boils down to not feeling like who we are…