Exploring the Science Behind Manifestation: A Skeptic’s Perspective

As someone who is naturally skeptical, I’ve always been curious about the concept of manifestation and the law of attraction. Can our thoughts and beliefs really shape our reality and bring our desires to fruition? In this article, I’ll be taking a closer look at the scientific evidence surrounding these popular personal growth concepts and attempting to answer the question: is manifestation and the law of attraction really a thing?

is manifestation scientifically proven?

Manifestation and Behavioural Science

French researcher René Peoc’h conducted a study where a robot was left to wander aimlessly in a room. Later, chicks were introduced and quickly became attached to the robot, treating it like their mother. The robot then started spending more time in areas closer to the chicks. Peoc’h concluded that the chicks’ desire to be near their mother manifested changes in the robot’s behavior.

Manifestation and Neuroscience

The discovery of mirror neurons in the brain has often been used to support the idea of the law of attraction. These neurons allow us to experience a sense of participation when observing others perform a task, activating similar patterns of brain activity as if we were performing the task ourselves.

This is thought to be why movies can be so immersive and why some believers of manifestation believe that surrounding oneself with successful and positive individuals can lead to similar success in one’s own life.

While the scientific validity of the law of attraction remains a topic of debate, I do believe that adopting the behaviors and mindset of successful individuals can be a useful tool for personal development.

How to get the best out of manifestation

Psychologist Carol Dweck has found that those with a ‘growth mindset’ – the belief that one can continue to grow and develop through effort – tend to have higher GPAs than those with a fixed mindset. In the context of manifestation, it is important to get clear on the outcomes we want to achieve. Here are three ways to help focus on and clarify your goals:

Is manifestation scientifically proven


One of the most beneficial habits I’ve adopted this year has been keeping a journal. It allows me to express my thoughts and ideas in a way that is sometimes difficult to verbalize. If you’re looking to clarify your goals and focus on manifestation, journal prompts can be a valuable tool on your journey. Here are a few examples:

  • What are your top three values?
  • What are your unique talents?
  • What is most important to you at this moment?”


Meditation can be a helpful tool when you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncertain. When we have too many important decisions to make or when our minds are cluttered with noise, it can be difficult to find clarity.

Incorporating meditation techniques in these situations can bring a sense of calm and clarity to your emotional well-being, helping you to better understand your purpose.

Find your source of motivation

It’s important to examine the root of our motivations when setting goals and using the law of attraction to achieve them. Why do you want to reach this particular goal?

Is it for external validation or to impress others? Many of us seek validation from external sources, but finding our true ‘why‘ can help bring clarity and focus to our path.

Is manifestation scientifically proven


So, is manifestation scientifically proven? There are studies in various fields, including behavioral and neuroscience, that suggest it may have some validity. However, I believe that the true power of manifestation comes from shifting your mindset and getting clear on what you want out of life.

If you have tried practicing manifestation or the law of attraction before, I’d love to hear about your experiences in the comments. If you enjoyed this article, be sure to sign up for our mailing list to stay updated on future blog posts.

2 Replies to “Exploring the Science Behind Manifestation: A Skeptic’s Perspective”

  1. Nice article. From a psychology perspective I see manifestation and LOA working due to the fact that it puts your mindset into a goal oriented one and when you have a goal and are in a mindset oriented towards accomplishing that goal, chances are you can!

  2. I do believe in manifestation, I just manifest the job I wanted. It’s a long work to do but it’s worth it. Takes time because your mind set has to change as your emotions. If you want to manifest having elevated emotions as love, joy, gratitude are important but if you have hate, sadness, jealousy so you won’t be able to manifest. It takes time like I said.

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