Emotions vs. Logic: Do Stoics fall in love?

Stoicism has gained quite a lot of popular over the past couple of years. It has made a significant impact on Western philosophy and has been studied and practiced by many individuals throughout history. One question that often arises when discussing this philosophy is whether or not Stoics can experience romantic love. In this blog post, we will explore the Stoic perspective on emotions and desires and examine whether or not Stoics can fall in love.

The Stoic perspective on emotions and desires

According to Stoicism, our emotions and desires are natural parts of our lives, but they can also be a source of suffering if not controlled properly. Stoics believe that individuals should strive to detach themselves from their emotions and desires in order to achieve inner peace and tranquility. However, it is important to note that this detachment is not about suppressing or denying emotions – but about viewing them objectively and rationally, and not allowing them to control one’s actions or decisions.

How Stoics approach romantic relationships

It can be said that Stoics approach romantic relationships differently from those who do not follow this philosophy. Their detachment from emotions and desires means that they strive to maintain a rational perspective and not allow themselves to be controlled by their emotions in a romantic relationship.

This can manifest in different ways, such as:

  • Being less prone to jealousy or possessiveness
  • Being more accepting of change and uncertainty in the relationship
  • Being more understand of the differing perspectives during conflict

For example, a Stoic would be less likely to become overly attached to a specific person or relationship, which would help them to avoid emotional turmoil and suffering in case of a break-up or other difficult situations.

However, it is important to note that Stoicism does not mean that Stoics do not have feelings or that they are cold and unemotional. They believe in expericiencing emotions such as love, happiness and sadness, but not to be controlled by them.


In conclusion, this blog post has explored the question of whether or not Stoics can fall in love. It has been shown that while Stoicism emphasizes the importance of detachment from emotions and desires, this does not necessarily mean that Stoics cannot experience or even fall in love. Stoics strive to maintain a rational perspective and not allow themselves to be controlled by their emotions.

This unique perspective on emotions and desires can affect the way they conduct themselves in romantic relationships, leading to less attachment, jealousy, possessiveness and more acceptance of change and uncertainty. Overall, Stoicism offers a different approach to romantic relationships that can be beneficial for both partners.

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