The Wisdom of the Stoics: 5 Quotes on Love to Inspire You

Love is a complex feeling that has captivated humans for centuries. The ancient Greek Stoic philosophers were particularly invested in understanding love and wrote extensively about it. In this blog post, we will delve into 5 Stoic quotes about love that provide insight, wisdom, and guidance on this powerful emotion. From the concept that love is a choice to the notion that it requires forgiveness and sacrifice, these quotes offer a rich and thought-provoking examination of love that will surely inspire and guide you on your personal journey of self-discovery.

“The wise man loves, but he loves only what is in his own power.” – Epictetus

Epictetus’ saying implies that a wise person loves certain things, specifically things that they have control over. His idea is that it is not wise to love something that is outside of our control, because we will not be able to influence or change it. Doing this will help us to avoid frustration and disappointment. Instead, we should focus on the things that they can control and try to make the most of them.

“Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs.” – William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s quote suggests that love is a feeling that is often accompanied by ‘sighs’ or heavy breathing, which can be seen as a metaphor for the intensity and passion of love. The word “smoke” can be seen as a metaphor for something that is intangible and hard to define – suggesting that love is a complex and elusive emotion that can be difficult to fully understand or describe.

“Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.” – Peter Ustinov

Love involves constant forgiveness, and expressing love and tenderness towards them through our actions and behaviors. It suggests that when we are in love with someone, we often overlook their flaws and mistakes, and show them kindness and compassion even when they may not deserve it.

The phrase “a tender look which becomes a habit” suggests that showing love and affection towards someone becomes a natural and automatic part of your relationship with them. Essentially, love involves a deep commitment to constantly showing care and concern for the person we love, and being willing to forgive them when they make mistakes.

“Love is not a feeling of happiness. Love is a willingness to sacrifice.” – J.D. Greear

Love is not just a feeling of happiness or pleasure, but rather it is a willingness to make sacrifices for the people we love. When we truly love someone, we are willing to put their needs and well-being above our own, and to make sacrifices in order to help them or to make your relationship work.

This can involve things like giving up our own time, energy, or resources in order to support the people we love, or making choices that may not be in your own best interest but that will benefit our relationship. Essentially, the quote is saying that love involves a deep level of selflessness and a willingness to put the needs of the person we love above our own.

“Love is an energy which exists of itself. It is its own value.” – Thornton Wilder

Love is a force or energy that has inherent value or worth. It is not something that needs to be justified or explained, but rather it is valuable and important in and of itself. The quote suggests that love is something that exists independently of other factors or circumstances, and that it has a power and significance that is independent of any external factors.


The Stoic philosophers offer a wealth of wisdom and insight when it comes to the complex emotion of love. From the idea that it is a choice to the belief that it requires forgiveness and sacrifice, these stoic quotes on love provide a thought-provoking and inspiring look at love that can help to guide us on our own journeys of self-discovery.

Whether you are just starting out on your journey of love or are well-seasoned in the ways of the heart, these quotes are sure to offer something of value to help you navigate the ups and downs of love and relationships. Ultimately, the Stoic perspective on love reminds us of the importance of selflessness, compassion, and understanding in any loving relationship, and encourages us to strive for these values as we navigate the complexities of love and relationships.

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