Why accountability is important to understanding failure

Why accountability is important to understanding failure

Holding yourself accountable is one of the hardest, yet most important introspective tasks. I should know, I avoided it for so many years. It’s easy to blame others when things fail. It’s incredibly difficult to turn that attention inwards. Today, we’re going to look at why accountability is important when things start to go wrong…

Perfection is an illusion: There will never be a right time to start.

Perfection is an illusion: There will never be a right time to start.

At some point in our lives, we have all wanted to be perfect at the things we love. However, perfection is an illusion holding you back from success. Today we’ll focus on how chasing perfection causes paralysis when making decisions. I won’t leave you empty-handed though, we’ll finish off with 3 ways to overcome this mentality.

failure in love quotes

Move forward with these 10 quotes about failure in love

The end of a relationship is always difficult. It feels like the world has turned against you. I wasn’t good enough. What if I did this. If only I did more of that. I failed. As we all do, I turned to the internet to find some quotes to help me move forward. However, all I could find were quotes still focused…

famous failures in history

5 Famous Failures In History That You Didn’t Know About

In our journey to overcome perfectionism, one thing we have to accept is that failure is all around us. It’s extremely tough to deal with. At that moment, it feels like we’re less than everyone else. Today, I’ll challenge that negative thought. Let’s talk about some famous failures in history that you probably didn’t know…