5 Ways to help the perfectionist in your life.

How to calm down a perfectionist

Do you have someone in your life who seems exceptionally talented but struggles with getting things done? They’re always waiting for the right time or for things to fall into place. Well, those people might actually be perfectionists, and trust me it isn’t a walk in the park. Being a perfectionist can sometimes mean crippling anxiety when it comes to…

Daily Self-Care Made Easy: 15 Essential Mental Health Check-In Questions

Daily Self-Care Made Easy: 15 Essential Mental Health Check-In Questions

During Mental Health Month, I made an effort to check in on my own mental health and also check in with those close to me. Through this process, I discovered that simply asking someone how they are feeling and showing concern for their well-being can be enough to help them through difficult times. In light…


Why jealousy will get you nowhere in life

Jealousy is a very ugly emotion. No matter how hard we try, there’s just no escaping it. If it’s better looks better, sounds better, feels better than whatever we’ve got, then we want it at all costs. As Lope de Vega says, ‘There is no greater glory than love, nor any greater punishment than jealousy’. In this article, we’ll…

How does being happy make others happy?

How does being happy make others happy too?

I came across this quote by Anne Frank the other day, and it got me thinking: ‘Whoever is happy will make others happy too’. On the surface, it makes complete sense, but I wanted to break this quote down. Why do we sometimes neglect ourselves to make others happy? What does choosing ourselves even look like? How does that translate to other…