people resist change

3 Reasons Why People Will Always Resist Change

Humans are without a doubt creatures of comfort. Don’t believe me? Just think about how much of your own life revolves around a routine. It blows my mind how much of our lives is dominated by our habits. However, there will come a time in our life when we need to make a change. A new job. Relationship. School. As said…

quit talking and begin doing

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing – Walt Disney

As someone who has greatly benefited from this quote, the mentality of ‘quit talking and begin doing’, has become a central part of my life. Today, we’ll cover two questions. What happens when we’re all talk? What happens when we take the leap and start taking action?

is manifestation scientifically proven?

Exploring the Science Behind Manifestation: A Skeptic’s Perspective

As someone who is naturally skeptical, I’ve always been curious about the concept of manifestation and the law of attraction. Can our thoughts and beliefs really shape our reality and bring our desires to fruition? In this article, I’ll be taking a closer look at the scientific evidence surrounding these popular personal growth concepts and…