Looking for the truth: Is Stoicism selfish?

Looking for the truth: Is Stoicism selfish?

Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasizes self-control and rationality, is often misunderstood as being selfish. But is this true? In this blog post, we will delve into how Stoicism can lead to acts of kindness and generosity, and explore how Stoic philosophers such as Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius encouraged altruistic behavior in their teachings.

Mastering Anger: The Stoic Way to Emotional Balance

Mastering Anger: The Stoic Way to Emotional Balance

Anger is powerful. There’s no doubt that we all get angry, sometimes even at the most minor inconveniences. However, when that angers causes us to harm ourselves or others, then it becomes destructive. The Stoic approach to anger is to understand it as a natural and normal emotion, but also to recognize that it is…

Personality and Philosophy: Are Stoics more Introverted?

Personality and Philosophy: Are Stoics more Introverted?

A question that is often raised when discussing Stoics are inherently introverted. Some argue that the focus on self-control and introspection in Stoicism aligns with the traits of introversion, while others believe the philosophy can be practiced by people of all personality types. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the…