Living with uncertainty: A Stoic’s perspective

Are you tired of feeling anxious? Constantly worried about the future? You’re not alone. For centuries, the Stoics have been grappling with the same struggles. In this blog post, we’ll explore the relationship between Stoicism and uncertainty and discover how to ensure that we’re living in the present moment.

Stoicism and uncertainty

The Stoics believed that uncertainty is an integral part of our lives and that it should be embraced rather than feared or resisted.

They understood that the future is uncertain and that things may not always go as planned, but they saw this as an opportunity for growth and improvement.

As Seneca said, “The whole future lies in uncertainty: live immediately.” This means that instead of worrying about what might happen, we should focus on making the most of what we’re experiencing right now.

The concept of ‘amor fati’ or ‘love of fate’ is often mentioned in conversations about stoicism and uncertainty. It means accepting whatever happens, good or bad, and seeing it as a chance to become a better person.

How can we deal with uncertainty?

The Stoics believed that by contemplating the potential loss of things we value most, we can appreciate what we have in the present and be better prepared to accept the possibility of loss.

This practice is called Negative Visualization.

This is a technique used to increase our appreciation for the present moment and the things they have in their lives by contemplating the potential loss or absence of those things.

The idea behind it is that by actively considering the possibility of losing something, one will appreciate it more and be less likely to take it for granted.

Negative visualization can take many forms. One way to practice it is to spend a few minutes each day visualizing losing something that is important to you, such as a loved one, your home, or your job. Another way is to imagine a future where you don’t have access to something you currently take for granted, such as electricity or running water.

The goal is not to create feelings of fear or anxiety, but rather to foster a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the things that are present in your life. By doing this on a daily basis we can develop the ability to appreciate life more fully, even in difficult circumstances and become more content with what they have.


In conclusion, Stoicism offers a powerful approach for dealing with uncertainty in our lives.

  • These philosophers believed that uncertainty is an inherent part of life and should be embraced rather than feared or resisted.
  • They encouraged us to focus on the present moment and accept whatever happens as an opportunity for personal growth.
  • The practice of Negative Visualization, as well as the concept of “amor fati” or “love of fate” can help us to appreciate what we have and be better prepared to accept the possibility of loss.

Stoicism may be ancient, but its wisdom can be applied to our modern lives helping us to navigate the uncertainty we face in our everyday lives.

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