Reclaim your joy: 5 Stoic ways to let go

Letting go is incredibly difficult.

Whether it’s moving on from a job, friendship or hobby, it takes a lot of willpower and courage to pull the trigger. We’ve already explored some of the signs that it’s okay to give up and why it you may give up so easily. But how can we use Stoic philosophies to let go? Discover these five methods:

  1. Practicing acceptance
  2. Cultivating gratitude
  3. Focusing on the present moment
  4. Reframing your thoughts
  5. Embracing simplicity

Are you eager to learn how Stoic philosophies can help you release what no longer benefits you? Continue reading to discover the answer.

Continue reading “Reclaim your joy: 5 Stoic ways to let go”

Setting yourself free: 5 signs to know when it’s okay to give up

It’s common for people to give up on something at some point in their lives, and often it can lead to feelings of regret and self-hatred.

However, there are certain signs that tell you when it’s okay to give up. These include:

  1. Your goal becomes unrealistic
  2. Your relationship is toxic
  3. Your job is making you miserable
  4. Your hobby is no longer fulfilling
  5. You’re spreading yourself too thin

If you want to learn more about why these are important indicators of when to give up, then keep reading.

Continue reading “Setting yourself free: 5 signs to know when it’s okay to give up”

Looking for the truth: Is Stoicism selfish?

Stoicism, a philosophy that emphasizes self-control and rationality, is often misunderstood as being selfish. But is this true? In this blog post, we will delve into how Stoicism can lead to acts of kindness and generosity, and explore how Stoic philosophers such as Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius encouraged altruistic behavior in their teachings.

Continue reading “Looking for the truth: Is Stoicism selfish?”