My Sunday Routine | How I Set Myself Up For Success

My Sunday routine is very precious to me. Honestly, I don’t where I’d be without it. It’s the start of the week so I make it a priority to ensure that I can set myself up for success in the coming days.  

Today, I’ll be sharing that routine with you. You don’t have to follow it. It’s not a guide. This is the thought process that I’ve used for the past year. Adapt it for you. After all, we’re all wonderfully different. 

sunday routine - the insignificant soul

Morning Sunday Routine

I split my day into 3 major tasks: the morning, afternoon and evening tasks. I know, how original of me. Let’s start with the morning task. What do I get up to every Sunday morning? 


Well, this is my gratitude and reflection period. I usually start off the day with some morning affirmations. The greatest gift we can give ourselves is pure kindness. I have a lot to offer the world. The world is aligning with my best interest as we speak. I have the power to make change. 

These are a few of the positive statements that I use to battle the self-defeating narrative in my head. This act of kindness and gratitude is the perfect first step in my Sunday routine. By the end of it, I’m ready to begin reflecting on the previous week. 

Related Posts: 
50 Morning Affirmations To Start An Amazing Day – The Insignificant Soul ( 

5 Brutally Honest Ways To Be Kind To Yourself – The Insignificant Soul ( 


Now, there are two ways I choose to reflect. Either I write in my journal or I go for a walk. It completely depends on my energy levels, mood and other factors. I usually go with what feels right in the moment and I try not to overthink it. 

If I decide to go for a walk. There is a burning desire to move my body. Most likely, I would have been feeling anxious about an upcoming event. As a result, I use this period to just get lost in nature. No pre-planned route needed. I just leave my house and start walking. Wherever I end up, that’s where I end up. This wandering period is critical for me. I use it to look within, to keep connected with my inner self.

On the other hand, journaling is another solid option for the morning Sunday routine. I tend to use this when I’m feeling lethargic. When there are a lot of complex feelings that need to be worked through. I grab a cup of tea (mandatory because I’m British) and get to writing. 

What did I accomplish last week? Did I need to get emotional over a work failure? Did I experience any personal growth? These are questions that would be tackled. Personally, I find it difficult to start the process of journaling. I never know what to say. However, once I start writing, it all comes out. Every piece of repressed emotion that had been buried throughout the week comes flooding out on the piece of paper. It’s such a relief. 

Related Posts: 

5 Amazing Prompts To Inspire Your Future Self Journaling (2021) – The Insignificant Soul ( 

Afternoon Sunday Routine

The afternoon is when I enter maintenance mode. This is where I get my everyday tasks done. At first, I used to find this part of my day to be extremely tedious. However, as time goes by, I get more pleasure from finishing these tasks. The feeling of accomplishment I get when I complete them has slowly grown on me. The two main tasks I’ll briefly talk about here are my writing tasks and my social media tasks.  

Writing Task 

So, I’m a big believer in slow and steady. Long term results don’t come to people who rush out the gate. Trust me, I’ve been there. All I ever got was burnout and a serious case of anxiety. It’s not worth it. Nowadays, I set small tasks for myself.

When it comes to writing, instead of forcing myself to pump out a blog post a session (completely unrealistic), my task is to write 200-300 quality words a day. Breaking it down this way makes it less scary. I set these small goals because I know it’s 100% achievable, giving me another win for the day. 

In addition, I know the compounding effect it can have. If I keep up this habit during my Sunday routine, I know that I will never be put in a position where I’m desperate to get out content. As a result, I’m more stress free and in love with the writing process. 

Self Care Task 1 

Now this is one of my favourite parts of the day. My afternoon naps. There are very few things I truly enjoy in this life. Napping easily makes top three in the list. Post-writing, I use this as my first self care task of the day. 

sunday routine - the insignificant soul

If you weren’t aware, napping has a ton of benefits. It helps reduce sleepiness throughout the day. Plays a crucial role in memory formation. In addition, it is a key factor in emotion regulation. But you have to know the trick. 

Related Post: 

Napping: Health Benefits & Tips for Your Best Nap | Sleep Foundation 

Most people who don’t like naps tend to complain about feeling groggy afterwards. Wondering what time/day it is. To avoid this, I have one word for you. Coffee. 

Next time you want to have a nap, have a small cup of coffee 10-15 mins beforehand. Have the nap (you’ll still be able to fall asleep, trust me). It takes time for the effects of caffeine to kick in. By the time that happens you’ll be around 20 minutes into the nap, and you’ll wake up feeling amazing. I swear by this trick and use it every time I nap. Give it a try and let me know what you think. 

Social Media Task 

Post-nap, I use this time to schedule my social media tasks for the week. Another enjoyable part of my Sunday routine. I get to let my creative side run wild. I’ll test out new Pinterest pin designs. Schedule Facebook and Instagram posts. Research new blog post ideas. All with a cup of tea in hand. 

I’m a big supporter of play smart, not hard. Scheduling the posts in advance allows me to have more time to spend on other important things in my life. It has been a game changer for my mental health as I don’t have to worry about it during the week. 

Evening Sunday Routine

As we get to the end of the day, my brain is usually fried. So, I only have one thing left to do to ensure that my Sunday routine is complete. Bath time. 

Self-Care Task 2 

Everyone loves a nice soak. It’s a super comfortable way to reward myself after a long and productive day. I get a podcast ready, prepare the bath, and for the next half hour, I’m in my own world. It’s liberating.

Baths have been shown to have countless benefits. Hormone balancing. Boosts immune systems. Improves gut health. Relaxes muscles. I could go on but there won’t be enough space to cover everything. Long story short, get in a bath and destress.  

Related Post:

10 Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Taking a Bath (


My Sunday routine is designed to have a mix of self- care and personal growth elements. Gratitude and reflection morning tasks help put me in the right mindset. Writing and social media tasks are separated by a nice nap. Evenings are dedicated to self-care. Who says you can’t pursue your goals and prioritise health care? Definitely not me.

What do you think? What does your Sunday routine look like? Do you have a task that you absolutely need to get done? Let me know in the comments below, I’d really like to know! 

Also, if you enjoyed reading, make sure to share this post with your friends and family. In addition, if you’re interested in our free goal statement guide, sign up to our email list to have exclusive access. 

7 Replies to “My Sunday Routine | How I Set Myself Up For Success”

  1. I love this! Personally I am a firm believer in self-care on a Sunday but several times a week. Reading (fiction), candles and a 10-15 minute facial mask are my go-tos!

  2. Journaling had been such a game changer for me – both gratitude journaling and simply pouring out my random thoughts and feelings, hopes and dreams. There’s something so therapeutic about actually writing on paper, isn’t there?

    1. Honestly agree. It seemed point to me at first, not going to lie. However, once I embraced it and let go, then the magic started happening.

  3. This is amazing! Your routine is making me realize that I should definitely be taking Sundays off and having the day to myself. I love this, and I will definitely be implementing more reflections and self care into my Sundays because I find myself so stressed and overwhelmed for the week to come. Thank you for sharing!

    1. I used to be like that tbh. I would love Saturdays but hate Sundays because I knew what was coming. It’s one the main reasons I made up this routine. To force me to take better care of myself

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