The only way to find true happiness is to risk being vulnerable

The concept of vulnerability is often met with fear and discomfort, as it requires us to open ourselves up and expose our deepest thoughts, feelings, and insecurities. However, it is through process that we are able to truly connect with others and to find true happiness. In this article, we will explore the benefits of vulnerability and how we can practice it in our daily lives.

The benefits of vulnerability

Increased authenticity and connection with others

By being vulnerable and open with others, we are able to create more genuine and authentic relationships. This can lead to a deeper sense of connection and understanding with others, as we allow ourselves to be fully seen and known.

Research has shown that self-disclosure, or the act of sharing personal information with others, is positively correlated with relationship satisfaction and intimacy. In other words, individuals who are more open and vulnerable with their partner tend to have stronger and more satisfying relationships.

Improved emotional intelligence and self-awareness

Vulnerability requires us to be in touch with our emotions and to be honest about how we feel. This can lead to an increased understanding of ourselves and others, and can help us to develop greater emotional intelligence.

Research on emotional intelligence has found that individuals who are able to accurately identify and express their own emotions and to understand and respond to the emotions of others tend to have higher levels of emotional intelligence. This suggests that vulnerability, which requires us to be in touch with and honest about our emotions, can help us to develop greater emotional intelligence.

Greater sense of self-worth and confidence

By being vulnerable and sharing our thoughts and feelings with others, we are able to better understand and accept ourselves. This can lead to an increased sense of self-worth and confidence as we learn to embrace our authentic selves.

Research has found that individuals who are able to express their authentic selves and to be vulnerable with others tend to have higher levels of self-esteem and self-worth. This indicates that vulnerability, which allows us to be authentic and open with others, can allow us to better understand and accept ourselves and to develop greater self-worth and confidence.

How to practice vulnerability in daily life

Share your feelings and thoughts with others

One of the most powerful ways to practice vulnerability is to open up and share your feelings and thoughts with others. This can be scary, especially if you are not used to expressing your emotions, but it is a crucial step in creating deeper and more authentic connections with others.

Be open to feedback and criticism

Another way to practice vulnerability is to be open to feedback and criticism from others. This can be difficult, as it requires us to let go of our ego and to consider the perspectives of others. However, by being open to feedback and criticism, we are able to learn and grow, and to improve our relationships with others.

Seek out support and help when needed

It’s okay to not have all the answers or to need help with something. In fact, seeking out support and help when needed is a form of vulnerability, as it requires us to admit that we need help and to be open to the support of others.

Practice self-care and set boundaries

Taking care of yourself and setting boundaries is crucial for practicing vulnerability. It allows you to prioritize your own needs and to create a safe and supportive environment for yourself, which can in turn make it easier to be vulnerable with others.

Consider therapy

Therapy can be a great way to practice vulnerability and to work through any challenges or issues that you may be facing. It provides a safe and supportive space to explore your thoughts and feelings and to work towards personal growth and increased self-awareness.


In conclusion, the benefits of vulnerability are numerous and can lead to a greater sense of connection, self-worth, and happiness. While it may be scary to take the risk and expose ourselves to others, the rewards are well worth it. We encourage you to try incorporating these practices into your daily life and to see the positive impact it can have on your relationships and overall well-being.

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